Tips for your Website

5 minute explanation on what is Email Marketing

newsletter marketingIn this day and age running a business is becoming more and more complex when it comes to getting the right mix of advertising, which is cost effective as well as sales effective, and that will give you the best return on investment is increasingly complex.  Any promotional mix should include a combination of Search Engine Optimsation (SEO), Social Media engagement, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and email marketing which suit your business and target audience.  This article is about email marketing and e-communication specifically but look out for our other articles on the other topics.

As the article on Scoop.IT points out

” Email may seem like an oversaturated communication channel today, but email campaigns still nurture leads, increase sales, and CONVERT CUSTOMERS 3X MORE THAN SOCIAL MEDIA. It’s a no brainer.”

So why  is email marketing effective today when we are overloaded with emails?

Email marketing allows you to reach out to your current and prospective customers and keep them updated and engaged with targeted information on the latest deals and news about your products and services.

While many consider email marketing to be the modern day equivalent of the free junk paper catalogs we receive in a traditional mailbox it has the huge advantage of being able to be effectively tracked.  Through email marketing services you can:

Let that sink in for a moment….. emails marketing can basically work like a personal sales assistant by having a follow up line that re-enforces standard sales techniques!!!!

So what to look for in an online newsletter/e-marketing provider:

Ok enough about the talk what about some recommendations











And there are many many more 🙂 But at this point in time I think the best thing to do test out the 3 above and see which one best meets your needs!!!

Further reading:

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